Information about the 2014-15 Season at CoderDojo Athenry


From Saturday 11 Oct 2014, we are starting a new season of CoderDojo Athenry, at our usual time and place. (The Saturday before, on 4 Oct, we will be having an introduction session for new mentors and other volunteers.)

Here is a the overview presentation (PDF): 1-CoderDojoAthenry-InfoSession-2014-Sept

This season, we will have the following streams:

We look forward to seeing you there!

–  Michael and the CoderDojo Athenry mentors.

CoderDojo Athenry: Information & Registration on 27 September 2014



If you would like to find out more about CoderDojo Athenry, please come along to Gairmscoil Mhuire VEC School in Athenry at 12:00 on Saturday 27 September 2014.

We will provide information for new members and will have registration forms that you can fill out. Existing members don’t need to re-register and don’t need to attend the information session, though they are always welcome.

The following week, 4 October, we will have an information and training session for new mentors and volunteers.

Normal CoderDojo sessions will start up on 11 October, same time and place, for new and existing members. We will post notes on this website and circulate links to the members.